oker Major Games |
Texas Hold'em [Flop
game] The world of poker is currently in love with this game. It is
mostly referred to by the shorter name of Hold'em.
Blind Antes are posted by the two players to the
left of the dealer (also called the button in house dealt games) before
the deal. Each player is dealt Two Cards each as their hand and then there is a
round of betting. The dealer proceeds with dealing the flop, three cards face
up in the centre of the table which all players can use to combine with their
cards to make a poker hand . There is another round of betting. A fourth flop
card is dealt (often called fourth street or the
turn) and more betting. Finally a fifth flop card comes (often
called fifth street or the river) and the last
round of betting. A player's best hand is made by choosing 5 cards from the 7
card combination of their hand and the flop.
Methods of playing
this game well, depend on the betting system being used. Either Limit, Pot
Limit or No Limit is used for tournaments and even cash games. |
Seven Card Stud [Stud
game] A popular home game choice that is still popular in the
casinos and clubs. More popular in the USA than in the UK.
Antes are posted by all players before the deal.
The dealer deals two down cards and one face up card to each player and there
is a round of betting. Three more up cards are dealt one at a time with rounds
of betting and finally the seventh card is dealt face down. There is a final
round of betting. All betting rounds are started by the highest hand
This is generally a Limit game throughout the world but in the UK it
is played as Pot Limit. |
Omaha [Flop
game] This is a Jazzy version of Hold'em that gives more wild action to
those who want it.
The deal is four cards each before the flop. Then after
the initial round of betting the deal proceeds exactly as with Hold'em. The
difference comes when making a hand from the combination of players' cards and
the flop. Unlike Hold'em, each player must use exactly two cards from their
hand and three cards from the flop.
This game is technically more advanced than Hold'em as the possible
hand combinations are many and the calculations difficult. It is played
generally as Limit in the USA and Pot Limit in the UK. |
Irish [Flop
game] This is another spin-off from Hold'em. In the USA it is known as
Before the flop each player receives three cards and
then there is a round of betting. The flop is then dealt as for Hold'em. The
difference with this game is all players must now discard one card and then
continue playing the hand as if it were ordinary Hold'em.
This game can be more difficult than Hold'em as the correct strategy
isn't nearly so well studied as that for Hold'em. It is played generally as all
Limits in the USA and Pot Limit in the UK. |
London Lowball [Stud
game] A variation of 7-Card Stud where the worst hand wins. Known as
Razz in the USA.
This game is dealt and bet entirely as 7-card stud, the
exception being that the worst hand showing is the one to begin betting in each
This is largely a game of bluff. The best hand is
Six High, 6-4-3-2-A. The Ace counts as low for this game. [5-4-3-2-A is
a straight] Razz, the US game, uses
A-2-3-4-5 as the nut low, i.e. flushes and straights do not count against the
hand. |
Hi-Lo Split [Stud
game] This is a game that combines two different games into one and has
two separate pots that are played for by all players.
The game is dealt and bet exactly as 7-card stud.
Players are attempting to make either a high hand, as in 7-card stud, or a low
hand, as with Lowball. Sometimes it is possible to make both. After the betting
has finished, the pot is split into two parts. One part is awarded to
the best high hand and the other is given to the best low
This is a complex game where values taken from
other games will be of no use. In the USA this is played a lot now and for both
Limit and Pot Limit. Its just Pot Limit in the UK. Most of the time this game
is played with 'qualifiers', that means that the low hand must be at
least as good as an 8 Low. Hence this game is often
referred to as Hi-Lo Split [8 or better]. |
Hi-Lo Omaha [Flop
game] This game carries the principle of Hi-Lo Split to the flop
Four cards are dealt in the initial deal just as in
ordinary Omaha. All procedures continue as if the game was Omaha. At the
showdown the pot will be divided equally for the high hand and
the low hand.
Most of the time this game is played with limits,
most often 8-or-better. It is often referred to as Hi-Lo Omaha [8 or better]
which means the Lo hand must not be higher than 8-high. Its mostly Limit in the
USA and Pot Limit in the UK. |
Duece to Seven Draw [Draw game] This game carries the principle of
Lowball to the draw format and is played in the WSOP as a championship
Five cards are dealt in the initial deal just as in
ordinary Draw. A round of betting is followed by players exchanging as many
cards as they wish for new from the deck. Another round of betting and then the
This game is a mixture of bluff and sense. The Ace
counts high and straights and flushes count against your hand. So the nut low
is 2-3-4-5-7. There are variations of this game, the main being
Ace-Five. In A-5 the nut low is A-2-3-4-5
and flushes and straights don't count against you. |
Draw [Draw game]
This game is second oldest to 5-card stud in poker. It is rarely played in its
true forrm known as Jacks-or-better.
Five cards are dealt in the initial deal. To open the
betting a player must have at least a pair of Jacks. A round of betting is
followed by players exchanging as many cards as they wish for new from the
deck. Another round of betting and then the showdown.
This game is not liked any more by any significant
number of people. Variations on a wild theme are however still played in many
home games. This game can also be played for a low hand. This is played as
Ace to Five Lowball Draw in the World
Series. The nut hand is a wheel, or A-2-3-4-5. |