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Win it All (2017)
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Win it All (2017)

Despite the support of his sibling, a Gamblers Anonymous sponsor, and a love interest, a problem gambler struggles to get his act together in this Joe Swanberg and Jake Johnson collaboration. Eddie is now unemployed and goes out to play poker every night. He also never seems to have enough money.

According to how his brother Ron views him in the movie, Eddie has always been a burden. Ron views Eddie as someone who lives an unrealistic lifestyle, needs a loan too often, and has lofty white-elephant goals. Even asianbet tipsters at will have a hard time convincing this guy to make sensible decisions.

The Film Tackles The Dangers of Gambling

The events of "Win It All" are set in motion when a threatening gangster named Michael requests that Eddie keep his duffel bag safe while he serves time in jail. For keeping the bag hidden, he will pay Eddie $10,000. Eddie, however, is strictly forbidden from opening the package. Here, Eddie accepts this stipulation because he thinks he will make the most money possible with the least effort.

Michael is likely aware that Eddie will eventually open the bag to see what's inside. As with most gambling movie reviews, you can guess that this is where things go south.

As soon as he opens the bag and sees the wads of cash, he will inevitably start counting the vast amount of money. He might finally get out from under his mounting debt, so he naturally decides to risk a little portion of it. This works out as well as hoped, and things spiral out of hand rapidly.

The Art of Turning Your Life Around

Eddie's older brother finds him a job at the family gardening business. For once, Eddie finds himself looking forward to his workdays. Then, when he and his friends go out, he runs into Eva (Aislinn Derbez). On that night, Eddie is very attractive and appealing, so she decides to go out with him.

She obviously is the opposite of him as she takes things seriously and is picky about who she lets into her life. Eddie, however, manages to make her chuckle. Because of her, he's motivated to get his life on track.

The best parts are when Eddie meets Gene, his sponsor (Keegan-Michael Key). When Eddie talks to Gene about his difficulties, the latter cannot help but crack up. Idiot is a word Gene frequently uses when referring to Eddie. Later, he proposes so out of character that it's clear Gene is on the verge of relapsing. In the 2017 film "Don't Think Twice," Key was fantastic as the struggling improv comic who finds success, and here he is just as wonderful—hilarious, bold, and specific. Unlike many of the other scenes, these are unpredictable and exciting.

A couple of other scenes in "Win It All" are funny, thanks mainly to the improvisatory spontaneity that, at its best, is Swanberg's signature style. The picture, however, comes out as cheap and flimsy. A Similarly intrusive soundtrack plagues "Win It All," but ultimately fails to provide the film with the sense of urgency it requires.

Rating: 6/10
Director Joe Swanberg Jake Johnson Eddie Garrett
Writing Jake Johnson, Joe Swanberg Keegan-Michael Key Gene
Cinematography Eon Mora Kris Swanberg Kris
    Aislinn Derbez Eva
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