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What Is The Definition Of Bingo

It may sound strange but there is no official definition of the game of Bingo so the licensing authorities have obviously had to come up with their own in order to sell online operators a license. This applies to traditional Bingo Halls as well. There also isn't any standard adopted by the industry body that represents Bingo operators. But you can rest assured that when you are searching for the Best Bingo Sites 2019 that the UKGC has made sure the licensed operator (you wouldn't play with anyone else, would you?) has fulfilled all the technical requirements.

What Is Bingo?

Long ago the now defunct Gaming Board had guidelines thrown at them, which they took little notice of, by various governments who had initiated Royal Commissions on aspects of the gambling world, including Bingo. Back in 1978 their wisdom and a lot of time and public money decided that bingo is essentially a lottery that has been turned into a game. So basically useless. But they did go on to say that to be called a bingo game it must have three principles that are fundamental.

1. Bingo is operated as a game of chance

This simply means that you are playing a game against other players and not the bank. So the house has no part in how you play and can not affect the outcome of your game. It also means that everyone has an equal chance so that every card played as the same chance of winning as any other.

2. The Game Of Bingo must involve player participation

The rule of participation is there to distinguish bingo from a lottery. You can't just buy a card and sit back and let it play itself because that is a lottery. So human interaction is required like players marking their cards and claiming a win. Now with bingo online or played on a mobile device you can ask the software to play out the game for you, and this is considered okay because it is a combination of autoplay and your request.

3. Bingo has a clear finsih line where people can see that there is a winner

As with any game, bingo has to have rules which tell everyone how the winner is selected and it must be sensible and related to the environment. This distinguishes it from a lottery where a jackpot may roll over and over and eventually may not be won but rather divided out amongst another catorgory of winner entirely.

There are other rules which can be enforced if the game is advertised as Bingo. Many are obvious but there are important stipulations that players may want to look out for when playing a new site, especially if you are not sure they have a license from the UKGC.

Key rules included any extra prize money offered must stay available to be won and be able to be won no matter how many players eventually start the game. This stops operators offering attractive prizes and then pulling out because not as many players have joined the game as they hoped. Some value for punters can be found here when you find guarantees that are not matched by the players entry fees. You need to watch out for these but don't be surprised if these are withdrawn fairly quickly.

In real world Bingo halls it is legal to have just physical prizes instead of cash but these are generally just for interval games between the main money events. People do just like playing bingo for fun.
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