U.S. Casino Games |
Over a period
of time the casinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City have introduced new table
games to try and rebuild lost ground in dealer games. For the most part this
has not worked and Slots march on, taking up more floor space. We will try and
cover them on this page. |
Let It Ride |
This game is a simple adaption of
poker where only the value of the players hand counts towards any possible
payout. The player is not in competition with the dealer or another player. To
avoid losing money the player must achieve a 5-card hand of at least a pair
of Tens.
PLAY The player makes
three identical bets, one in each box, and is dealt three face up cards by the
dealer. The player now has the choice of retrieving the bet in Box 3 (because
the hand looks weak). A fourth card is dealt and the player again has the
choice of removing a bet, Box 3 if not before and Box 2 if yes. Then the last
card is dealt.
10s or better |
1:1 |
Two pair |
2:1 |
Trips |
3:1 |
Straight |
5:1 |
Flush |
8:1 |
Full House |
11:1 |
Four of a kind |
50:1 |
Straight Flush |
200:1 |
Royal Flush |
1000:1 |
PAYOUT What ever money is left,
one, two or all three bets, all of it is paid as one according to the payout
schedule in the table to the right.
STRATEGY The optimal strategy for
this game is as follows.
On the first three cards, take back a
bet unless one holds:
-- a pair of 10s or better
three cards to a straight flush if
are a run, 3-4-5 or higher
 or have one "hole" and at least one card is 10
or higher
 or have two "holes" and at least two cards are 10 or
On the fourth card, take back a bet unless one
-- a pair of 10s or better
-- a
-- an open-ended straight draw including a 10 or
The following bets are optional at 4 cards, i.e. Even
-- an open-ended straight not including a 10 or higher
all cards 10 or higher (an inside A-to-10 straight draw)
EDGE The house edge
is 3.5%. |
Red Dog |
"Red Dog" is also known as
"Acey-Deucey" or "between the sheets". It is a card game that is usually dealt
from a shoe containing four or five decks, although single deck games can be
found occasionally, as can games with 6 or 8 decks.
PLAY After the players bet, two cards are dealt face
up on the table. If the two cards are adjacent, it is a tie. If the two cards
are not identical, the player is allowed to place a "raise" bet, up to the size
of the original bet. If the third card drawn is between the first two cards,
the player wins (i.e. a 6 is in between a 3 and a 7). If the first two cards
are identical the player is not allowed to raise.
Spread |
Payoff |
Condition |
pair |
11:1 |
3rd card
trips |
pair |
push |
3rd card no
trips |
0 |
push |
1 |
5:1 |
2 |
4:1 |
3 |
2:1 |
4-11 |
1:1 |
PAYOUT If the third card matches
the first two, the player is paid 11:1. Payoffs are at even money unless the
first two cards are a pair or the "spread" is 3 or less.
STRATEGY The number of players at the table is
totally irrelevant, since all players win or lose simultaneously. The only
strategy decision that the player is allowed to make is whether or not to
double the bet. With these payoffs, the bet should be doubled only when the
spread is 7 or greater.
house edge for Red Dog is about 3%, and decreases slightly as more decks are
used. |
Pai Gow |
This really is an interesting game for
a casino to spread. You not only get to choose how to set two different hands
from your seven cards but there is a Joker which can be wild, the dealer can
make a mistake and the player can actually take over the bank and play the
other customers!
PLAY Seven cards
are dealt by the dealer to the player from a single-pack (+ 1 joker) hand held
deck. The player must create a five card poker hand and a two card poker hand
from the seven. The five card hand must rank higher than the two card hand. The
single Joker can count as an Ace in high hands or fill in the gap to make a
straight or flush. All poker values apply except that A-2-3-4-5 is the second
highest straight, i.e. it beats K-Q-J-T-9.
Players are also given the
right to become the banker. To do this they must put up an amount equal to the
combined total of the other players bets.
PAYOUT To win your bet you must win both hands
whereupon you will pay a 5% tax. Winning one hand and losing the other is a
tie, your money is returned. Losing both hands forfits your bet. Hands that are
tied go to the house. Bets are paid at even money.
STRATEGY The optimum strategy is really quite
difficult but we present a simplified version that will achieve very close to
optimum play. Stanford Wong created the words 'twocard' and 'fivecard' to mean
putting your cards into a two card hand or five card hand. We'll use that so we
know what we are talking about.
Hand |
Meaning you
have.... |
Strategy |
High Card |
7 odd cards |
Twocard the 2nd and 3rd highest |
Pair |
a pair and five odd cards |
Twocard the two highest singletons |
Two Pair |
two pairs and three odd cards |
Aces or Kings - always twocard the lower pair Mid-range
pairs - if you don't have a good Ace or King high then twocard the lower
pair Lower pairs - if you can J-T high or better for the twocard then
fivecard the two pair, else twocard the lower pair |
Three Pair |
three pairs and an odd card |
Always twocard the high pair |
Trips |
three of a kind and four odd cards |
3 Aces - twocard one Ace 3 Kings - twocard J-T or
better if you can, else twocard a King 3 Queens or lower - fivecard
the trips |
Straight |
a straight but no flush or pair |
Fivecard the lowest possible straight |
Straight + Pair |
a five card straight that has paired |
Fivecard the straight unless you have AKQJT and paired QJ or T. Then
twocard AK. |
Straight + 2 Pair |
a five card straight with two cards paired |
Twocard a pair to leave a straight if you can If not then treat
the hand as two pair, exceptions are any combo of 4s, 3s and 2s. Then play the
straight. |
Joker Straight + Pair |
a straight made with a Joker and a pair |
Straight and Pair - if you can twocard a pair and fivecard a
straight - do so! Pair is Ace-Joker - Fivecard the straight and
twocard the Ace if possible Straight needs Ace-Joker - fivecard the
Ace-Joker unless you have Joker-4-3-2-Ace, then fivecard the
straight |
Flush |
a flush but no straight and no pair |
Fivecard the lowest possible flush |
Flush + Pair |
a flush with a pair |
6 card flush - fivecard the lowest flush 5 card
flush - fivecard the flush unless the flush is A-Q or A-K high and you have
8s, 9s, Ts, Js or Qs - then fivecard the pair |
Flush + 2 Pair |
a five card flush and two paired cards |
Twocard a pair to leave a flush if you can. Otherwise treat as two
pairs unless you have a combo of 5s, 4s, 3s, 2s. Then play the
flush. |
Full House |
trips, a pair and two odd cards |
you have a low full house and can twocard A-Q or A-K then fivecard the house.
Else twocard the pair. |
Full House + Pair |
trips and two pairs |
Twocard the highest pair. |
EDGE Copies, or tied
hands, occur about 2.5% of the time and around half that time the other hand
wins for the bank for a natural house edge of ~1.25%. The cost of the 5% tax in
the game is muted because there is only tax on winning hands. Tax works out to
be ~1.6%.
So, in total, the player is up against a 2.9% house
STRATEGY The player should aim to play as the bank if they can
and use the best hand setting strategy to outplay his opponents. The tax will
be offset by the natural edge of the bank and so any gain will come from
playing correctly when others don't. |