Review Date : June 2012 |
WBX, or World
Betting Exchange, is a person-to-person bet exchange, where punters can trade
bets with each other on the worlds major sporting, political and
entertainment events.
There are some nice ideas on this site, the layout
is an attempt at using many small screens at once to show a lot of information.
Using a set of menus on the left you get access to all the available markets
from any screen you happen to be in.
For Racing fans there is a
"place" market, a place to back horses to come 1st, 2nd or 3rd. .
with the other sites, WBX uses the decimal continental style of representing
You have to know what back and lay
mean but once you've got them sorted out in your head its reasonably easy to
understand the betting screen.
Commission WBX charges a Commission on your
net winnings on a market. If you have a net loss on a market you do not pay
commission. Commission is calculated by multiplying your net winnings by the
Market Base Rate, as shown on the Rules tab. From this we will apply a
discount. The more you bet with us the greater the discount you will
WBX's Maximum Market Rates vary depending on the number of
entrants in a market: 3 or less entrants = 3% 4 entrants = 4% 5 or more
entrants = 5%
The number of WBX Points you accumulate determines the
level of your WBX Loyalty Discount. In short - the more you bet with WBX, the
more WBX Points you will accumulate and the higher your discount will be. You
earn 1 WBX Point for every £1 of Commission that you are charged during
settlement of a market. If you lost on a market, and have therefore paid no
Commission, you will still earn 1 WBX Point for every £1 of Commission
that you would have paid if the amount that was lost was actually won. So you
earn WBX Points no matter whether you won or lost on a market. If the amount of
your win or loss is less than £1, you still earn the corresponding
fraction of a WBX Point.
WBX Points are set to decay daily. The daily
decay rate is set at 2% per day. A daily decay of 2% is equivalent to 13.18%
decay per week.
DOWNSIDE May not have the liquidity in the
particular market you are interested in.
UPSIDE Slightly less
commission than the opposition. Loyalty rewards. Fewer professionals betting on
this site so you are betting with other amateurs, other like-minded or
knowledgeble people. Fun to use this website.
Go ahead and join up today and get your £25
Editor |
Summary |
Rating : 9/10 |
Free £25 in bet - T
& Cs |
Cut : 2-5% on net win |
Max Odds : Any |
Limits : Opening £15 |
Based : London |
Tel : 0207 229 1884 |
memberservices@wbx.com. |
WBXs UK Company registration
number is 04638314 |
World Bet Exchange Limited PO Box
55985 London W11 9BF UK |