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Popular Hours Of the Day
That People Play Mobile Games

Mobile Gaming
Image by David from Pixabay
Mobile games can be enjoyed any time of the day at any location as long as you have a data network or access to Wi-Fi. If you aren’t at home with your Internet connection, you can connect and play with your data network or give your data usage a break by hooking up to a local business’s Wi-Fi.

Have you ever thought about which times of the day are the most popular for mobile gaming? According to an ironSource survey, about 70% of responders like playing mobile games when spending time on their smartphones. About 56% of individuals prefer to use their smartphones the most on weekends. Throughout the week, mobile gaming mostly takes place in the afternoons when school age youth have finished school and adults complete work for the day.

You can log on to to enjoy your favourite casino games. Check your favourite casino platform to see if they offer a mobile app. Mobile gaming has also made it easier for casino gamers to access their favourite games such as Blackjack, slots, and baccarat wherever they are on the go!

People Like To Multitask While Gaming

In the same survey, most people, which includes 73% of respondents, like to engage in gaming while they are watching television. It can be easy to get caught up watching a show on tv, but then you hop on a mobile game during the commercial break. Following closely behind this stat is about 59% of people who prefer to scroll social media while watching television rather than gaming.

Different Generations’ Phone Usage Habits

About 37% of users spend most of their time on their smartphones in the evening. Generation X, Millennials, and female smartphone users usually fit this statistic. Generation X and Millennials are completing their jobs during the day, handling household responsibilities in the afternoon, and enjoying phone time at night. Females may do more mobile gaming at night if they are mothers once their children go to bed.

On the flipside, males and members of Generation Z are more active on their smartphones during the evening hours. For Generation Z, they may turn to their devices for a break with mobile gaming or chatting with friends after a long day at school before jumping into homework. Males may jump into their devices right after work or school for mobile gaming and socializing and leave the phone alone to do console video gaming in the evening.

The Influence of Weather On Gaming Habits

Besides the usual ebb and flow of a person’s work or school schedule, weather can also influence mobile gaming habits. People may spend less time playing mobile games on sunny days to enjoy outside activities instead. On rainy days, people may engage in mobile gaming more so because of the bad weather conditions making it not ideal to commute anywhere.

The Importance Of Limiting Screen Time

Mobile gaming is an exciting venture when it's done in moderation. Whether you're playing a puzzle game or an RPG mobile game, it's understandable that the gameplay experience can become addictive to the point that you do not want to log off.

However, limiting screen time has many benefits. You can enjoy your mobile gaming experience while also ensuring that your other responsibilities are handled. For example, while dinner is cooking in the oven, you can give yourself that 20 to 40 minutes that it's cooking to hop on a mobile game. Maybe you can reward yourself another 20 to 30 minutes of the game about an hour before you go to bed.

Gaming too close to bedtime can make it harder to fall asleep. Cutting out the blue light at least an hour before bedtime can improve your sleep quality.
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